Wednesday, August 09, 2006

During this time my husband and I were going through a very rough time. I decided that my marriage needed a change and that I was a contributing factor to some of these problems. My husband always used to tell me not to give him a reason to find another wife and that he only loved me. All he really cared about was for me to show him love and affection. He wanted to be my priority, but honestly I wasn't used to seeing this type of marriage. My parents were not this way and I was very weary of men. I didn't trust men and in some ways I may have created the scenario that I feared the most. I knew that my stubbornness was going to result in me losing my husband to another woman. During this time I had a few friends who came to my house to counsel Lisa and me to convince her that it wouldn't work. We talked and talked and talked and once she saw how against the idea I was, she left my house very upset. I told her that my husband and I had to work on our marriage first before we add another person into the mix. I explained to her that our family barely see him as it is because he works a lot and that I didn't want to give up more time. Just as sex was an important issue for him, time was the most important issue for me. If this arrangement of him went through to get another wife then he would be getting more sex and I would be getting less time.....That is UNFAIR!!!! NO WAY I couldn't do it!!!!!

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